What is a

This is a genuine medical consultation.

The only singularity of importance is that the doctor and patient are not on the same site! A partition separates them, or a corridor, a floor in a building, an ocean, a distance of hundreds or thousands of kilometers, space.

But, with the help of mastered technology

Distance is no longer a limiting factor.

It is then possible to practice effective “primary care” medicine in the absence of a practitioner physically present on site. For this to happen, the patient must be located in a human, material and logistical environment as good as that enjoyed by the practitioner in his or her own practice.
This requires two conditions:

  • Stations and sensors for a complete physical examination,
  • Understand that a patient is unable to “self-examine” properly, and needs to be assisted by a nursing assistant.

… Et ce n’est pas tout :  

Time is compacting, too.

Another unexpected benefit of teleconsultation is the acceleration of cooperation between caregivers. How can this be achieved? Extending their consultation, GPs may wish to seek the rapid advice of a specialist colleague. Delays in making contact and obtaining an appointment disappear instantly, as the GP can immediately contact the specialist in teleconsultation mode, with or without the patient present. And this is possible even when the teleconsultation takes place from home! A revolution today, the norm tomorrow.

Want to find out more?

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